A novel canola protein concentrate for aquaculture
Read the article at Aquafeed.com: A novel canola protein concentrate for aquaculture
Read the article at Aquafeed.com: A novel canola protein concentrate for aquaculture
Canada has a large natural resource base, great land and some very unique crops that we lead the world in, like canola, pulse crops, wheat and oats. We have rain-fed agriculture, so we are not reliant on irrigation or external water systems. No one else in the world can do what we do in canola, and …
The Growth Economy: Keeping Canada Competitive in Agriculture Read More »
It is not that often an opportunity exists to transform an industry. Canada has the rare opportunity to generate $100-billion in new GDP through our agriculture and food industry over the next decade. It can only happen if the industry can shift its traditional base of exporting commodities by adding an innovation-driven strategy. The industry …
Canada has all the ingredients to be a global leader in agriculture Read More »
People in agriculture need to stand up now so governments and economic leaders provide the industry with what it needs to keep growing and move higher, according to David Dzisiak, former Canola Council of Canada chair, long-time agricultural bioscience leader and current chief operating officer of the plant protein company Botaneco. Read the full article …